
Thursday 22 August 2013

Cleaning up

Dear fellow visitors of this site:

Some outdated and unsupported software will be cleared up within the next few days to avoid legal concerns  over some of their usage. Links to these software on this site, namely the Downloads section, will be removed, as well as deletion of the files from the respective file sharing sites.

We wish to apologize for any inconvenience caused by this decision made by TransforMoose Team. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment.


The TransforMoose Team

Friday 4 January 2013

SWF Compressor v1.0

Long time no see folks, after a long wait for some kind of content here, I have finally came up with something useful.

For those of you who may have noticed, there is a new SWF compression method you can use through Adobe Flash Professional CS6, called LZMA.

I have thus wrote a program in C++ mainly to address the problem of not being able to decompile this type of SWF files, but you can also compress and uncompress SWF files with it.

The easiest way to use it is to drag your desired SWF file onto swfencdec.exe, and a file named new.swf will  automatically be generated in the same folder as swfencdec.exe where your SWF file is. Another way to use the program is through the command-line, more information can be found if you know how to access the program from the command-line.

For our friends who understand Portuguese:

A maneira mais facil de usar o swfendec.exe é  arrastar a swf para o programa (A swf deve estar na mesma pasta que o programa).
Depois de arrastar o arquivo SWF para o programa, uma arquivo new.swf será gerado na mesma pasta onde o arquivos esta, new.swf será compactado ou descompactado dependendo da swf.

P.s. Alguns anti-virus poderão pensar que este programa é vírus.

Download link can be found here or you can go directly to the downloads page at

It's not a pretty program, but it'll work.

Transformoose Team

P.S. Most of the other programs don't work, so don't bother downloading them.
P.S.S Credits to André Vinagre for the Portuguese translation

Saturday 21 July 2012

Long delay...

I apologize for the long absence from Transformice, I have been away for quite a long time and is still upgrading my knowledge in programming in the process. Do not be disheartened if I don't release any clients anytime soon, but continue to play Transformice.

In the meantime, consult Transformicehacks Brasil or something...

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Development of Transformice Client

For the next few weeks (or even months), development of Transformice clients would slow down, as we are now focusing on another product, which may turn out to be a ABC parser of some sort.

Do expect some clients to be released from time to time.

TransforMoose Team

Client and TFMDump update

Taking away the careless coding, we bring to you... a working program. Anyway the client is updated to v2.8.3 while TFMDump is updated to v1.2

Click here to proceed to the downloads section and get the latest programs.

TransforMoose Team

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Client update v2.8.2

Client update to fix some problems, TFMDump tool is also updated to v1.1
Click here to proceed to the downloads section and get the latest version.

P.S. Client works every now and then, wait 10 minutes if it doesn't work.

P.S.S. Turns out my code has problems.

TransforMoose Team

Monday 28 May 2012

Client v2.8.1 Update

Small update to counter counter attacks by counter terrorists.

Download here.

TransforMoose Team

P.S. Tig you really put your checks in weird places.